Challenges of mounting large monitors

Key points:
- Accommodating large and heavy computer displays in a desk environment is a growing challenge in some industries
- Agile spaces, often with multiple screens and multiple users, require flexibility
- Modular mounting options are an ideal solution for large and heavy displays in modern workspaces
Growing trend of using large displays in desk environments
The use case for large format displays varies, of course. Outside of the financial trading floor, some organisations are adopting large format displays in an effort to streamline desk set-ups. Rather than using three smaller screens, for instance, they may “upgrade” to a single monitor that displays an employee’s work more clearly.
Large format displays—like the ones that come as standard with the all-in-one computers commonly found in the workplace—can measure up to 49” and weigh up to 16kg. Accommodating these displays in a desk environment is a challenge: the sheer size and weight of the hardware poses both space and safety concerns, especially with multi-screen set ups.

Ergonomic Considerations
Making accommodations even trickier is the ever-changing user and the fact that more than one person may be using the workstation. Just as technology displays come in all shapes and sizes, so do users.
A person’s screen-to-eye distance, and its relation to the top of the monitor, changes drastically depending on the screen’s measurements. Maintaining a healthy viewing angle is difficult if the screen isn’t adjustable.

If the screen is particularly large or heavy, users risk injury when they try to move the equipment without the right mounting support.
Modular mounting solutions for large monitors
and all-in-one PCs
For efficient and productive workstations that use large monitors and heavy all-in-one PCs, modular mounts solve a number of problems. They allow for the required range of movement to achieve the optimal viewing angle and promote healthier workspaces. Modular mounts are also configurable to specific projects, so users never have to sacrifice comfort or capability—especially if they’re using multiple screens simultaneously. What’s more, modular solutions are cost-effective, as individual components are both affordable and interchangeable, providing maximum flexibility as hardware and user needs change.