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Pros and Cons of using a dual monitor mount versus two separate monitor arms

When it comes to setting up a multi-monitor workstation, there are several options available. One option is to use a dual clamp monitor arm that can hold two monitors, while another option is to use two separate monitor arms, each holding a single monitor.

In this article we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using two separate monitor arms compared to a dual clamp monitor arm. Atdec offers both versions where congruent to the application, and has an unbiased perspective.

Advantages of Two Separate Monitor Arms


With two separate monitor arms, you have more flexibility in positioning the monitors as per your preference. You can adjust the height, angle, and distance between the monitors independently, providing a more ergonomic setup.

Easy to upgrade

Upgrading your setup with additional monitors is easier with separate monitor arms. You can add or remove monitors one at a time without having to replace the entire arm. Flexibility is important here, with the freedom to upgrade from 24” to 34” without replacing your monitor arms.

Weight distribution

Two separate monitor arms allow you to distribute the weight of the monitors more evenly, which reduces the stress on the mounting point and increases stability.

Disadvantages of Two Separate Monitor Arms


Two separate monitor arms almost always cost more than a dual clamp monitor arm that can hold two monitors.

Atdec’s Ora is an outlier, with innovative production and materials enabling us to offer two single Ora for the same price as a dual clamp version. There is a price advantage to buying a dual mount across our other ranges including AWM and AF.

More space required

Since two separate arms require a mounting point for each arm, you may need more desk space than you would with a dual clamp monitor arm. Ora is again an outlier, having equal space for a dual clamp and for two independent Ora monitor arms. Either way, this is usually a mild inconvenience at worst.

Greater installation time

Setting up two separate monitor arms usually takes longer than a single clamp as each arm is separately unboxed, assembled, and connected to the desk. This process can be time-consuming and may require more tools and hardware to complete.

On the other hand, a dual clamp mount typically involves attaching the mount to the desk or wall and then attaching both monitors. This can be a more straightforward process. The monitors may not require as much fine-tuning to get them in the right position, partially as they are less flexible). Ora avoided this usual reality; each Ora arm has a single thumb knob, and the dual clamp has two. However, the AWM family is affected by this, trading unlimited flexibility for greater installation time.

Advantages of a Dual Clamp Monitor Arm

Space saving

A dual clamp monitor arm takes up less desk space than two separate monitor arms, as both monitors are mounted on a single arm. Most monitor clamps are small making this a mild advantage when considering monitor arms from reputable manufacturers.

Cost efficiency

A dual clamp monitor arm is usually less expensive than purchasing two separate monitor arms.

Disadvantages of a Dual Clamp Monitor Arm

Limited flexibility

A dual clamp monitor arm may have limited adjustability options. The monitors are typically mounted side-by-side and can only be adjusted together, which may not be ideal for all users.

Weight distribution

The weight of two monitors is concentrated on a single mounting point, which may cause instability if the arm is not properly designed for the weight.


Both options have their pros and cons, and the choice depends on the specific needs of the user. Two separate monitor arms are ideal for those who value flexibility, immediately and in the future. A dual clamp monitor arm is generally best for those who want a more space-efficient, more quickly installed, and cost-effective solution.

Atdec offers both dual clamps and single monitor arms that are cost effective use in a duo. Ora, for example, solves the typical disadvantages of using separate monitor arms and should be considered for single and dual monitor configurations. Check it out and contact us to consult regarding your exact requirements.

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